New Callings Executive Program for Individuals
Every five to 10 years we come to points in our careers and lives where we must address the questions, “Am I still on the right track?” “Is this work providing meaning to my life?” “Do I need to make a shift to fulfill my lifelong goals, and if so, how do I do it?
Executive Career Review
We have assisted many dozens of mid and senior leaders earnestly work through these questions and find fulfilling new directions to their work. In this Executive Career Review, some make fine adjustments to the current “arc” of their careers.
Others have acted on deep entrepreneurial ambitions and started new companies. Some have used this process to thoughtfully consider their options before seizing bold new opportunities that would steer them in entirely new directions.
And we have assisted top-level officers to plan their transition into second careers. This type of engagement is highly fulfilling and leads to a freshness and greater sense of self-confidence and purpose is one’s work.
You will learn:
An objective assessment of your core strengths and passions
How to develop a long-term career vision and strategy
How to maximize your opportunities to achieve your most important goals in life
How to create a “Personal Board of Advisors” to help you evaluate and select from key career options
How to increase your networking abilities to discover new opportunities and resources
What are the “mission-critical” skills you must develop to achieve your next vision
This Executive Career Review program is for:
Professionals in their late-30s or early-40s doing a major “course correct” before stepping up into senior management opportunities
Executives in late-40s or early 50s planning how to maximize impact and generatively at the peak of their careers
Executives planning their exit strategy and plan for career life after the C-suite
Entrepreneurs and innovators seeking to establish new ventures

See how executive transition coaching could right for you. Contact Craig Martin at +1-415-706-9328 or [email protected]